

--- 水、油、化粧品などがつかないようにご注意ください。また、薄い色の洋服との接触は避けてください。
--- 製品が水に濡れてしまった場合には、無地の柔らかい布で軽く押しつけるようにして水分を取ってください。

iqmi’s leather products do not use any chemicals. The leather that iqmi uses are all natural leather and each sheet is carefully hand tanned.
Therefore there might be a slight color or texture differential but please be aware that it is due to the all natural material that is used and not a product defect.
To maintain the high quality of the leather please follow the instructions below.

--- Please keep away from water, oil, and cosmetic products. Also please keep away from clothes with faint color.
--- If the product gets wet, please gently press the wet area with a soft plain towel.



As long as it is using it usually, mold rarely grows, but mold etc. may grow in the case of prolonged storage.
When a product has not been used for a long time, in order to prevent model collapse, please put in a newspaper etc. moderately,and keep it in airy space.
Also while not using it, if the above-mentioned care is carried out in three months like 1 time, a better storage state will be maintained.
Although preservation in the place which has humidity too much is not good, since there is a possibility that moisture of leather will be lost and leather will deteriorate, please avoid use of a drier.
- When the product has been damp in water, please drink water,as you do not try to wipe off the surface of leather and you push lightly with plain soft cloth.